Case Study
Independent Optical Practice,
County Kerry
Year 1
To analyse and develop the existing business.
Full business analysis and development strategy.
Complete operational policies and procedures developed.
Renegotiated with all suppliers
Identified new revenue streams
Micro managed the business on all fronts to ensure delivery of the above.
Year 1
Increased turnover and profits by 128%
Reduced costs by 22%
Implemented the "Ideal Customer Experience"
Staff training
Optom CPD training
Increased customer spend by 84.2% per person
Reformatted Practice diary
Increased Total appointments by 33%
Agreed Partnerships with Kerry GAA "The Official Optical Partner"
Year 2
Further develop the business
Grew Staff numbers from 2 to 6, increase wages.
Set up "Kerry Dry Eye Clinic"
Commenced Dry eye clinic March 3rd
Developed new sales and marketing strategy and plan
Reduce patient age profile from 70 yrs plus to 42.3 yrs
Increased patient appointments by 39%
Introduced Eye care products and developed Hygiene programs
Staff training
Optom CPD training
Further reduced supplier numbers while renegotiating better cost terms.
Installed a more efficient telecom system
increased turnover and profits by a further 78%
Year 3
Consolodate yr 1 + yr 2 growth
Increased number of Kerry Dry Eye clinics from 10 clinics in '22 to 20 clinics in '23
Increased the technological footprint within the practice.
Maintained advertising within in the sales and marketing strategy.
Increase staff number by 1
Staff training
Optom CPD training
Reduced Optoms working days while increasing patient care
Currently seeking to hire another Optom
Negotiated a fixed term exclusive agreement with HOYA to provide the practice with lenses and equipment.
Identified 2nd practice
Develop 5 year business plan and strategy
Micro managing all aspects of the business
Currently 4.8% above very ambitious turnover and profit target for year end of '23